Glenn doman down syndrome
Glenn doman down syndrome

glenn doman down syndrome

In one study it showed there was one child who was exceptional. Some of them have been in research studies showing that such children at best may be able to walk and talk poorly but will never intellectually come close to their peers. We have now seen children with dozens of genetic disorders. For sixty years we have known that these children can develop and in some cases become as able as their peers, as has happened with the Trisomy-21 children. They may have these capabilities, but they are significantly behind their peers.

glenn doman down syndrome

They cannot walk or talk, or read, or write. The biggest problem these children have is neurological. Many of the genetic disorders do not have any particular biochemical components. This is Glenn Doman’s Legacy of more than sixty years. However, for most children, they are told by “experts” that the child’s newly provided genetic diagnosis is a life sentence and the child is hopeless. For example, some children cannot eat certain foods that could be toxic to them. Some of the genetic disorders have biochemical components. It is true that because of the identification of these disorders some children’s lives have been saved. It creates smoke for parents and professionals. Now, today dozens of genetic disorders with a neurological component have been identified.


No one knew how to improve their condition and quality of life. If there were only six in the world, then no one had any idea of what to do for these children. Mothers began to contact us saying their young child was the sixth child in the world with this genetic abnormality. New kinds of genetic disorders were discovered. They went to school not as special needs children but as equals with their peers.Īround twenty years ago, the situation began to change. We began to graduate these children to wellness. Thus the symptoms of a lack of language, organization, fine and gross motor problems began to disappear. Sixty years later, in retrospect, I now understand that the diagnosis of brain injury would be the equivalent of being told today that my child had a terrible disease. Why? It was obvious the child was brain injured, even I knew that at six. When the mothers were told their child was brain injured, they would immediately burst into tears. As a six-year-old, I had lived my entire life with brain-injured adults and children. My father was the director and my mother was the head nurse. We lived in the same building with thirty brain-injured inpatient adults. We moved to the Institutes when I was two. I could never understand the reaction of the mothers.

glenn doman down syndrome

He would say, “As a result of our evaluations, there is no question that your child is brain-injured.” I sat with him time and time again.


I would sit in his office and after a full day of evaluations and tests, he would accept the family onto the program. We could stay with him as long as we wished, provided we paid attention and were not a distraction. My father, Glenn Doman, always permitted his children to sit with him when he saw brain-injured children and their parents. This is particularly the case for children with genetic issues. Sixty years later the confusion still exists and has actually gotten worse.

Glenn doman down syndrome